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Complaints & Feedback
Solid Holistic Care encourages feedback from our participants and clients, whether positive or constructive. You can provide feedback directly with one of our representatives, or via the telephone. We also have feedback forms available should you decide to share your feedback in writing.
Submit Your Feedback
Complaints Statement
Solid Holistic Care (SHC) aims to promote the highest standard of service for people we support, their families, our staff and other stakeholders. We will ensure that all complaints are resolved according to our Complaints Policy and Procedure in a professional and timely manner. Anyone who is associated with SHC can make a complaint including people we support, their family and friends, staff and other stakeholders.
Complaints may be made:
- Verbally to a staff member who will complete a Complaints Form if required;
- Verbally to the Director;
- In writing and accompanying a Complaints Form which may be facilitated by a staff member if requested;
- In writing either via letter, email or via our website here.
Complaints Forms will be made available at the corporate offices.
Complaints will be managed in a prompt and efficient manner including:
- An acknowledgement of receipt to the complainant within two days of receipt;
- Resolution of the complaint within 21 business days where practicable; or
- Contact to complainant where complaint cannot be resolved within 21 business days with explanation of delay;
- Advice to complainant on a right to be heard and supply material in support of their complaint if appropriate; and
- Process for appeal should the complainant not be satisfied with the outcome of the complaint.
Complaints for any NDIS funded service can also be made directly to the NDIS Quality and Safeguards Commission by calling 1800 035 544 or at
Complaints regarding the National Disability Insurance Agency (NDIA) actions or decisions can be made directly to the NDIA ( or Commonwealth Ombudsman (
Contact Us
If you require more information regarding complaints, please contact us by submitting the form below or on 02 4044 1982.